After working with hundreds of patients I found that conventional approaches like an anti-inflammatory, paleo, or other diets allowed only some patients to easily lose weight.
Others lost 5-10 lbs initially and then got stuck in their progress. Eating all the right things didn't always allow them to reach their goal. They were frustrated and struggling to stick to an exercise program and complicated supplement protocols.
Sound familiar?
Looking for a better way, I began to test the Metabolic Reset Program and saw dramatic weight loss, improved energy, and improved sleep. Some patients lost up to 9 lbs in the first week!
Watch the video below to learn how this works and how women like Miranda who thought she had tried everything went from a size 12 to a size 6 in just 6 weeks.
After only a few days on her protocol the weight literally started to melt off, her sleep improved, and her energy is through the roof.